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Квазимодо, самая уродливая собака на свете

Познакомьтесь, это горбатая Квазимодо — ей десять лет, и на недавнем конкурсе она была признана самой уродливой собакой на свете. Квазимодо — помесь питбуля с голландской овчаркой. Она родилась с проблемами позвоночника, именно поэтому так странно выглядит: короткое круглое тело и длинные ноги, а шеи как будто нет — это из-за отсутствующих позвонков.

Жители штата Флорида Вирджиния Сайр и ее муж Майк Кэрролл взяли Квазимодо в приюте.

Фото: Dan Callister / Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

Квазимодо со своими хозяевами Вирджинией Сайр и Майком Кэрроллом.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Dan Callister/REX Shutterstock (4913667i) Quasi Modo with owners Virginia Sayre and her husband Mike Carroll Hunchback dog Quasi Modo wins 'world's ugliest dog' competition, Loxahatchee, Florida, America - 06 Jul 2015 *Full story: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qoy6 Meet hunchback dog Quasi Modo who has just been crowned the 'ugliest' dog in the world. The 10-year-old pit bull-Dutch shepherd mix was born with spinal problems, which is the reason for her unusual look. She was abandoned at an animal shelter before being adopted by vet Virginia Sayre and her husband Mike Carroll from Loxahatchee, Florida. Quasi Modo has a short, round body with long legs. Her head disappears into her neck and body as she is missing vertebrae and the remainder are fused together. She fought of competition from 25 other dogs to win the title of ugliest dog at the event at the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds in Petaluma, California that 'applauds imperfection'.


Mandatory Credit: Photo by Dan Callister/REX Shutterstock (4913667b) Quasi Modo Hunchback dog Quasi Modo wins 'world's ugliest dog' competition, Loxahatchee, Florida, America - 06 Jul 2015 *Full story: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qoy6 Meet hunchback dog Quasi Modo who has just been crowned the 'ugliest' dog in the world. The 10-year-old pit bull-Dutch shepherd mix was born with spinal problems, which is the reason for her unusual look. She was abandoned at an animal shelter before being adopted by vet Virginia Sayre and her husband Mike Carroll from Loxahatchee, Florida. Quasi Modo has a short, round body with long legs. Her head disappears into her neck and body as she is missing vertebrae and the remainder are fused together. She fought of competition from 25 other dogs to win the title of ugliest dog at the event at the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds in Petaluma, California that 'applauds imperfection'.


Mandatory Credit: Photo by Dan Callister/REX Shutterstock (4913667d) Quasi Modo Hunchback dog Quasi Modo wins 'world's ugliest dog' competition, Loxahatchee, Florida, America - 06 Jul 2015 *Full story: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qoy6 Meet hunchback dog Quasi Modo who has just been crowned the 'ugliest' dog in the world. The 10-year-old pit bull-Dutch shepherd mix was born with spinal problems, which is the reason for her unusual look. She was abandoned at an animal shelter before being adopted by vet Virginia Sayre and her husband Mike Carroll from Loxahatchee, Florida. Quasi Modo has a short, round body with long legs. Her head disappears into her neck and body as she is missing vertebrae and the remainder are fused together. She fought of competition from 25 other dogs to win the title of ugliest dog at the event at the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds in Petaluma, California that 'applauds imperfection'.

Hunchback dog Quasi Modo wins 'world's ugliest dog' competition, Loxahatchee, Florida, America - 06 Jul 2015

Hunchback dog Quasi Modo wins 'world's ugliest dog' competition, Loxahatchee, Florida, America - 06 Jul 2015

Квазимодо с поклонниками: она нравится людям, потому на самом деле это очень приятный, обаятельный и дружелюбный пес.

Hunchback dog Quasi Modo wins 'world's ugliest dog' competition, Loxahatchee, Florida, America - 06 Jul 2015

Hunchback dog Quasi Modo wins 'world's ugliest dog' competition, Loxahatchee, Florida, America - 06 Jul 2015

Hunchback dog Quasi Modo wins 'world's ugliest dog' competition, Loxahatchee, Florida, America - 06 Jul 2015

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